Yarn Therapy

Renewal, down to the fiber of my being.....(snicker)!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Funny Amelia Quotes

I overheard Amelia pretending to call her aunts on the toy phone tonight. She had dh and I both talk to the aunts, then she took the phone back and told them, "That was my dad. He's a really good man and she's a really good lady."

The other morning I caught her pushing buttons, trying to get the computer to come on. She told me, "Wait, Mommy, Dot Com is coming on!"

I was baking muffins and showed her the tin with the batter in it. As I placed it in the oven, she cried, "Hey, what are you doing with my muffins!?"


Blogger Miss Scarlett said...

These quotes are too great. I love it when you vet such a clear glimpse of their thinking.
How nice to overhear her complimenting both of you!
I promise, promise, promise that I am sending you your package this week! I have got to be the worst SP pal ever. Honestly there are just no excuses to cover me.
Thanks for your comments over at my blog - give it time. Your blog will grow - it has taken over a year of regular blogging to get to 5-6 comments and just last month all of a sudden I am getting like 10 or more. Go figure?

2:38 AM  

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