Yarn Therapy

Renewal, down to the fiber of my being.....(snicker)!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Soon to be 9/11 Tribute...

I learned on someone else's blog today about this cool 2,996 Project in which bloggers will honor individuals killed in the tragic events of 9/11 almost 5 years ago. I signed up and will honor one of the victims on the anniversary date. I looked and found my high school classmate (Yorktown High School class of 1980) David Charlebois, who was one of the crew members on the plane that hit the Pentagon. He was already assigned to someone. I am glad he will receive a tribute. I remember even in high school he knew he wanted to be a pilot and it is terribly ironic and poignant that he would die doing what he loved the most. Everyone's stories are sad so I hope others will read this and sign up also.


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