Yarn Therapy

Renewal, down to the fiber of my being.....(snicker)!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Trek to Florida

So, next week we spend 4 days with the in-laws in Pensacola, Florida, a place I would never visit if it weren't for the in-laws. How can I make this trip more fun? (Yes, I will take knitting).

I will find a way to visit yarn stores! I Googled and found two: King's Sewing and Knitting Center and Needle Delights. I understand there isn't much need for lots of warm sweaters down there in Steam Land, but WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO DO??

I'll definitely report on how my yarn store excursion was. I see it kind of like alcoholics have to find AA meetings in cities that they visit. I need to find my "home away from home," at the fiber hangouts. What can I say?


Blogger lomester said...

Hee! I actually was just thinking the other day that I cannot wait to go to VA Beach to look up those great yarn stores you told me about.

1:59 PM  

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